District Overview
The Lewis & Clark District services Teton, Cascade, Chouteau, Toole, Glacier and Pondera counties. It also includes the Blackfeet Indian Reservation and runs up to the beautiful Rocky Mountains, including Glacier National Park. Through the BSA, families find adventure in this extraordinary corner of the state. Start the journey today by participating in character-building opportunities for youth – boys and girls – as they develop the ethics and leadership skills that will directly impact their local communities.
District resources
Safety First: Staying Alert For Wildlife On The Road
Executive Corner: How Can I Help Membership?
SE Corner: The Value Of Scouting
2026 National Jamboree Adult Leadership
District contact directory
Bob Drummond
Trish Vigil
tvigil.mtbsa315@gmail.com 757-739-9288
Daniel Hair
dan.hair@scouting.org 406-761-6000
For Life.
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