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Why Wood Badge

What You Need To Know About Wood Badge 2024

Every Scout Deserves A Well-Trained Leader

Attending Wood Badge was a transformative experience for me. As a participant, I gained invaluable leadership skills and learned how to effectively communicate with others to achieve goals. The program’s learning approach allowed me to put these skills into practice in a supportive and collaborative environment, and I left feeling more confident in my ability to lead both within Scouting and in my personal life.

Blake Chase, Helena. MT

What is Wood Badge?

Wood Badge is a five-day training course for adult leaders in the Scouting program.

This training course is designed to challenge us, test our limits, offer insight into the emotional roller coaster of our Scouts as they advance through the program, give meaning to time spent in Scouting, and make the job as a leader easier.

It might also just be the most fun you’ll have as a Scout leader.

Why is it important?

BSA Scouting is the best youth program to teach our youth about leadership and character. The first Wood Badge course was held at Gilwell Park over 100 years ago. The purpose is to teach advanced leadership skills and to create a bond and commitment to the Scout movement.

Wood Badge will make you not just a better Scout leader but will provide a dynamic management training experience that will make you more effective and productive in all areas of your life.

Many Scouters report that Wood Badge is one of the highlights – a mountaintop experience – in their Scouting careers.

Who should attend?

YOU! All registered adults are invited and encouraged to participate, especially those in leadership positions. Together we make Scouting a success. And – of course – our Scouts deserve well-trained leaders.

2024 Wood Badge Information:

Where: K-M Scout Ranch
When: Aug. 9 – 11 & Sept. 7 – 8, 2024

Don’t just take our word for it. Read this testimonial by a previous Wood Badge participant.

Wood Badge is time well spent! Please spread the word to all your unit members. This is the top leadership course in the BSA for both volunteers and professionals. You will have fun!

Yours in Scouting,
Dennie Stephenson
Montana Council Wood Badge Course Director 2024


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