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Personal Perspective: Why Wood Badge

Wood Badge is important training designed to challenge us, test our limits, offer insight into the emotional roller coaster of our Scouts as they advance through the program, give meaning to time spent in Scouting and make the job as a leader easier.

Fabienne Wavrant-De Vrieze completed Wood Badge and was awarded her beads, woggle and neckerchief in a ceremony at the 2018 Montana Council Camporee in Townsend. Here is what she has to say about the influence Wood Badge training can have on one’s life in Scouting and beyond:

Attending Wood Badge was truly a memorable experience. It wasn’t just educational; it was also a lot of fun, creating lifetime camaraderie with Scouters who will be friends, supporters and resources for years to come.

The course was intense, packed with activities, enabling you to recognize your strength and weakness and your type of leadership, teaching you tools not just for Scouting, but for any kind of teamwork activities including within your job, or your family life.

Since I went to Wood Badge, I personally have noticed how I try more to enable my kids, to get them to take on more responsibilities and be in charge.

They have expressed to me how I have been more patient with them. My husband even mentioned how he found me more task orientated and outgoing.

I do feel more confident in the projects I take on and am more open to different ideas. Also, I don’t worry as much about taking the lead for different Scouting events.

Executing my tickets was both challenging and extremely rewarding. I had to put my Wood Badge lessons into practice and learn to guide instead of lead. It showed me how I was able to become an accomplished leader.

I have no doubts that I will continue to reap the benefits of going through the Wood Badge course as I move forward in Scouting – as well as my personal life – for the years to come.

The lessons I learned will help me improve my leadership skills and become a better person for my family.

I highly recommend the Wood Badge course to anyone who seeks to be their best.

Fabienne Wavrant-De Vrieze
Bitterroot District
Montana Council, BSA

Wood Badge will help you be a better Scout leader. It provides the kind of dynamic management training experience that makes a more effective and productive leader in all areas of life.

The best gift you can give a Scout is a well-trained leader.

For more information visit the Wood Badge web page on the Montana Council website.


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