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State Of The Council Address

2024 Report From Board President Walt McIntosh

This past weekend, I had the honor and privilege of attending our Annual Convention to report on the state of our council – Team 315, the Montana Council.

I want to reiterate and extend my deepest appreciation to all of you – the Scouters and supporters across the state – for all you do to positively impact the over 2,350 Scouts we serve, and for the sacrifices you endure to make a difference in the lives of kids.

Let me be clear: no matter what other business, busyness, or distraction may arise, our Scouts and their safety are our number one priority, always. ALWAYS … in the BSA and the Montana Council.

As the Scouting movement in the United States continues to recover from the bankruptcy and issues of the past, we find ourselves needing to make some serious decisions. These decisions will need to be made at a personal level as well as unit, district, and council levels – which collectively and inseparably comprise the Montana Council.

The difficult decisions will require your input, commitment, and action to help us all move forward.

But before we can move forward, let’s take a glance behind us. Back down the trail we’re hiking together.

A mere decade ago, Montana Council finances and two main camp properties – all of which had been in trouble – began a metamorphic journey to becoming nationally recognized as vibrant, robust examples of what is possible when you dream big. But we’re not done yet.

The trail doesn’t end here, but it’s good to see the results of a lot of hard work by many different people in many different areas.

If not for the efforts and sacrifices of those who have built this trail, we couldn’t have arrived at where we are today. To all of you who have toiled along this steep climb to get us to this good place, I applaud and thank you.

As I said, the trail doesn’t end here. There’s a lot ahead of us, and it will require more from us to continue our journey from “good” to “great”.

A look ahead reveals limitless potential, but hard work and difficult decisions to get there. Your board of directors is helping lead the way.

Effective last year, our revised 5-Year Montana Council Strategic Plan tracks seven key initiatives for success. This document is our compass and our checkpoint for all that we do.

The first five of these seven initiatives focus on supporting our movement:

  1. Safety
  2. Volunteers and staff
  3. Finances
  4. Communication
  5. Training

The two initiatives that focus on building our movement are:

  1. Presence in our communities
  2. Recruitment

In concert with our council and the National Strategic Plans, I’ve published three Presidential Priorities. They are tightly intertwined and inseparable from each other and support our strategic plan.

These three priorities have the potential to elevate our council even higher – if, and only if, enough of us make the difficult decision to commit and engage in them.

To elevate us from good to great!

We will focus on these three key areas:

  1. Training – at all levels & positions
  2. Finances – especially endowing our council operations
  3. Outdoor Program / Camping – creating lifetime experiences and memories.

As we continue up the trail, together as Team 315, know that the wind is in our favor, the sun is shining, and we will continue to do great things.

Thank you for all you do for Scouting!

Walt McIntosh
Montana Council Board President


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