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5th Annual Scouter Appreciation Night

What a lively party!

Leaders, Staff, supporters, and out of state guests attending Montana Council’s 5th Annual Scouter Appreciation Night dressed as their favorite television or movie characters and celebrated our volunteers!

Before dinner, they viewed Camp Melita Island’s new speedboat, one of K-M Scout Ranch’s new ATVs, great merchandise in the Trading Post, and a “climber.”

Costumed Staff members welcomed leaders as they entered the banquet hall and a live band provided music.

Black Otter District’s Walt McIntosh as Braveheart

After a delicious dinner, we celebrated numerous accomplishments by our fifteen Districts during the past year. Guest presenters were the World’s Most Intelligent Man (Dr. David C. Gray), Toy Story’s Little Green Man (Kim Bortz) and Dragnar Lodbrock from the Vikings (Brant Bailey.) Long time volunteer John Manz was featured in a professionally produced video that reminded all present that everything we do is for our Scouts.

The Staff had a tough decision in selecting the best costume. Braveheart (Black Otter District’s Walt McIntosh) was the winner. A few lucky people won some cool door prizes, including packs and artwork. Everyone had a fantastic time visiting old friends, meeting new ones, and sharing stories and laughter.

You are cordially invited to join us April 28, 2017 in Helena for our 6th Annual Scouter Appreciation Night . The theme will be Sci-FI. Fun, fellowship and food will mix together again for one of the highlights of the year for Montana Scouters. Mark your calendar now. We look forward to seeing you!

For more photos from 5th Annual Scouter Appreciation Night, as well as other images from this year’s annual convention, check out the Montana Council’s Flickr albums!


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