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Why Attend Annual Convention

Three Important Words: Fellowship, Education & Celebration

Montana Council Annual Convention

If you haven’t been to one of the Montana Council’s past Annual Conventions, I’ll let you in on something that we’re honestly NOT trying to keep secret – they’re super fun!

Montana is a massive state. We don’t always get to meet in person to connect on topics and celebrate Scouting with our fellow Scouters across the council. Convention is our chance to gather around Scouting to celebrate successes, examine losses, and find camaraderie within the organization.


Holiday Inn Missoula
April 26 – 28, 2024

This year marks the 11th annual Scouter Appreciation Night. The evening of revelry is our opportunity to praise the numerous outstanding volunteers who make our program great. We get to recognize districts for their growth, their community impact, and – most importantly – we celebrate the individuals who make Scouting happen.

This year’s theme is Casino Royale, so break out those tuxedos and gala dresses, it will be a night of glamour and excitement as we go “all in” on a memorable evening of fun!

Along with celebrating the fellowship in Scouting, the convention offers a wide range of educational sessions that help you enhance your skills, knowledge, and expertise.

This year, seminar courses will cover topics like:

  • I Need More Volunteers!
  • New Cub Scout Program
  • How Scouting is Funded
  • Recruiting for Packs, Troops, and Crews

These are just a few examples of the nine breakout sessions we’ll have throughout Saturday. See the full list and descriptions.

Finally, Saturday night we recognize our 2024 class of Silver Beavers. As you know, the Silver Beaver Award is one we hold in the highest esteem in Montana Council. Recipients of this award have positively impacted the lives of youth through service given to the council. Those that are recognized are a sample of all of the outstanding work that goes on in the council on behalf of our volunteers. It is an honor to recognize fellow Scouters.

These are only a few reasons we hope you can attend. If I were to summarize convention in three words, I would say: Fellowship, Education, and Celebration.

Register before April 1, 2024, and save with Early Bird Fees.
Find all the current convention information – including the agenda and seminar schedule – on the Council Convention homepage.

We hope to see you at Convention!

Yours in Scouting,

Lido Vizzutti
Director of Marketing and Communication

Montana Council Annual Convention

April 26 – 28, 2024
Missoula – Holiday Inn Downtown


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