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Updated: Tour & Unit Activity Plans

 Are you confused on when to file a tour plan? What is a Unit Activity plan? What is the purpose of both? When do I, as a unit leader, need to file one with the Montana Council?

Tour and activity plans:  Tour and Activity Plans are tools designed to help you plan safe Scout­ing activities. It can help you ensure that trained leadership is in place, and that there is safe and appropriate transportation to and from an event. 

The cen­tral respon­si­bil­ity of tour and activ­ity plan­ning lies with the Unit Key 3: The Char­tered Orga­ni­za­tion Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Com­mit­tee Chair and Scout leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, Explorer Post Advisor, Sea Scout  Adult Leader).

You can use this link for easy access to Tour and Activity Plan Frequently Asked Questions with links to references or download this PDF outlining the Updated Guidance on Tour and Unity Activity Plans for further detail guidance and clarification.

If you have any questions regarding Tour and Unit Activity Plans contact Tony Higuera at


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