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SE Corner: Thank You Staff & Volunteers

It has indeed been a privilege serving as your Scout executive these last six weeks.

I have had the opportunity to visit a District Spring Camporee, Wood Badge and NYLT at Grizzly Base, our fine adventure Base at MOHAB, NYLT at K-M Scout Ranch, two Day Camps, a District committee meeting, Roundtable and our successful Council golf tournament.

I will travel to Melita Island next week on July 3 for the Staff week.

I would like to thank our Wood Badge Course Director Jeff and our NYLT Course Directors Brad and John and all their staffs for the great job they have done on the courses.

I am so honored to be part of our beautiful Camp properties and our dedicated excellent group of volunteers and staff. I will continue to get out in all areas of the council to meet the volunteers and staff at our camps this summer and District events.

I would like to recognize our all our Camp Program Directors, Camp Directors Libby, Sean, Alex, John, Luke, Steve, Peter and Shon and our Rangers Duane and Jim.

Without these folks, summer camps could not happen. Their enthusiasms and dedication are greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all our Camp staff, volunteers and the Montana staff. Let’s have a great summer!

Yours in Scouting,
Dirk Smith


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