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SE Corner: Thank You, Council President Chuck Eubank

I am so very proud of the way are Scouts, Scouters and staff are handling the situation our country is going through. I have seen and heard of hundreds of virtual meetings such as den meetings, pack meetings, troop meetings, district meetings, troop courts of honor and board of reviews.

I know of many virtual campouts and campfires, including three council campfires that were joined by Scouts from all over the country. It goes to show that Scouting has no boundaries.

I continue to be proud as I witness Scouts and Scouters helping our Montana communities. I have heard numerous stories of Scouters helping people in need, including donating food to our local food banks, clothing to Goodwill and making masks for our local hospitals and clinics.

One of the Scout laws is, “A Scout is Brave.” You have been very brave through these challenging times.

I would be remiss if I did not recognize our Council President, Chuck Eubank, for his many years of service. I have had the honor and privilege to work for him for the last year as the Scout Executive of this wonderful Council. He is the most engaged and dedicated Council President I have had the opportunity to work with.

When he came on board as president, he needed to make several changes and some very difficult decisions. Chuck’s actions along, with Council Board, have made the Montana Council exceptional and admired by other councils across as the country.

He is one of the main reasons why the Montana Council is in great shape today and will be in the future.

Because of his leadership, we now have an engaged, quality, dedicated and diverse board and a very talented accomplished staff. President Chuck was instrumental in raising the funds for our camps, and now we can enjoy the most premiere camp facilities in the country.

As of May 2, 2020, the Montana Council has new Council President, Greg Beach who has served for many years on our Council Board as the Vice President of Finance.

With Greg’s talents and knowledge, he will make a wonderful Council President. We are very fortunate that Chuck will continue to be a mentor and coach. He will remain an important part of the Montana Council. We can never express enough thanks and appreciation to Chuck for all he has done for the Montana Council.

I want to thank each and all of you for your continued dedication to Scouting, especially through these interesting times.

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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