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SE Corner: Scouting Survives & Is Strong

The last 30 days have been a very interesting time for our country, our schools are closed, restaurants along with many businesses are closed and the implementation of social distancing.

The council leadership has established four goals for 2020: Safety, Fundraising, Membership and Unit Service.

These goals are the foundation of the Scouting program and are the goals of each Montana Council employee. Safety is number one for a reason. We want all our Scouts and Scouters to be safe.

I am proud of what I see happening in our Scouting community. I have heard of many Scouters helping people in need, including donating food to our local food banks and other community services.

In these challenging times, Scouting continues to thrive through stay-at-home virtual Scout activities, den meetings, troop meetings and virtual Board of Reviews, to name only a few.

Scouts are brave and prepared, and we are strong through these challenging times.

Scouting survived the great depression, two World Wars and the Vietnam War and Scouting will survive this. We will get through this together.

Exceptional people like you have made Scouting outstanding for years and will continue to make Scouting amazing for years to come. I am proud of this council. With your endless dedication, Scouting will continue for many generations!

Thank you for all that you do for Scouting!

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive



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