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SE Corner: New Weekly Virtual Den Meetings

It may, at first, seem disappointing when we hear Montana Council only recruited about 250 new Scouts this fall. It’s true, this is considerably down from previous years at this time. Let me challenge that disappointment with this thought, these 250 new Scouts and parents joined because they truly believe in the values of the Scouting program.

They did not join to get a prize or trinket. They joined because they wanted to receive an exciting and quality program from Scouting. That is why every youth in the Montana Council – whether already a part of the adventure or just joining – deserves a quality program.

Many units do not have a place to meet and packs and dens are struggling to gather in person. We are excited, therefore, to announce that Montana Council is starting weekly virtual den meetings for Cub Scouts that are unable to meet face to face.

There will be a different theme each week and it will accommodate all ranks. Our goal is to provide a fun and interactive space that will help keep the Cubs Scouts active. We hope this will also motivate our youth and families to stay on a trail that has the growth of these young Scouts – while having fun! – at the forefront of our program.

Look for more details on this great program soon!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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