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SE Corner: I Continue To be Proud

Once again, I am so very proud of the way our Scouts, Scouters, the Council Board and staff are handling the current situation surrounding the pandemic. It shows that Scouting has no boundaries.

If you have not heard, the Council Board decided to open K-M Scout Ranch as our sole camp this summer. We will allow only Montana Scouts and Scouters to attend camp for the safety of our Scouts.

Our focus will be completely on K-M Scout Ranch. We will follow all state and county health requirements and guidelines. We will have extra staff to keep the camp sanitized and clean at all times. All Scouts will be required to wash their hands and temperatures will be taken twice a day.

We ask that everyone attending camp to be flexible with us. Camp will look very different than it has in the past. We have an excellent and experienced Camp Director at K-M Scout Ranch and he has some awesome plans for our Scouts.

I am proud of how the staff from Camp Melita Island, K-M Scout Ranch and Grizzly Base have come together. We truly are Team 315! Our main goal this summer is for the Scouts to be safe and have fun.

I am impressed by what I witness as Scouts and Scouters continue to execute the Scouting program even with all the challenges. Scouts are completing their requirements and advancing and the Council Trading Posts are busy filling orders for advancements and merit badges.

I want to take this opportunity to thank our Staff. I am so very proud of their maintaining a positive attitude through these challenging times. I would also like to thank our Council Board who are dedicated and engaged.

Remember, the BSA and the Montana Council are in the business to prepare young people to make moral choices and instill in them values, while still having fun in our outstanding programs.

Thank you for your continued dedication to Scouting especially through these interesting times!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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