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Overwhelming Community Support: ICL 2018

We are humbled by the gratitude of the communities in which we live.

Scouting across the state continues to inspire a lifetime of character and service from youth to adulthood. Your dedication to Scouting in Montana is never more apparent than during our Investment in Character and Leadership breakfasts.

Mountain Valley District’s ICL Breakfast in Bozeman on Feb. 21 grew its donations by 30% over last year, generating over $40,000 in donations.

The event, hosted by Jim Ness, President of Big Sky Western Bank, and sponsored by Walker Excavation, had over 150 people in attendance.

Eagle Scout Col. Brant Bailey riveted the crowd with stories of Scouting, the military and how Scouting gave him the leadership skills to become a Colonel in the Marines.

Mullan Trail District’s ICl Breakfast on Feb. 15 in Missoula drew nearly 300 local business leaders. In less than one hour, we generated nearly $113,000 in support of Scouting!

Special thanks to Chairman Tom Severson and a cadre of 42 table hosts who invited their friends and colleagues to attend.

A highlight of the morning was recognizing Eagle Scout Smoke Elser – a backcountry wilderness guide who attributes Scouting with making him the person he is today.

Elser, who was present at the event, was greeted with a standing ovation at the completion of a short video profiling the well-known horseman. See the video “Scouting Made Me The Man I Am Today.”

Also notable, four Scouts – Star, Venture, Cub and Eagle – described their personal relationships with Scouting, giving testimony of the importance of Scouting in their lives.

Every year we are humbled by the strength of the support in our communities and the willingness of so many to contribute to Montana Council. We are off to an amazing 2018.

We are pleased to bring you the news that Scouting is strong in Montana.

Mountain Valley District, Bozeman, ICL 2018
Mullan Trail District, Missoula, ICL 2018


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