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Now Is The Time To Plan For The Next School Year

“Be Prepared” To Hit The Ground Running When School Starts

Not many of us think about the next year when June arrives, but now is the best time to plan for Scouting for the next school year!

Read below to “Be Prepared” for the 2024-2025 Scouting school year so your pack, troop, or crew can hit the ground running when school starts.

Summer Program

Scouting activities throughout the summer help families stay engaged with your unit. A summertime picnic, meet-up at the park, campout, or hike are all great ways to keep everyone involved.


Keeping up your presence on social media and in families’ email inboxes will help keep your Scouting in mind. Share exciting news, recognition, and a calendar for the next few months to help your families stay connected and ready to participate.

Recruitment Plan

Take some time to review and use the Montana Council’s Recruitment Guidebook. This step-by-step plan provides tools to help you welcome new families into your unit. Hard copies are available from your District Executive.


Now is the time to plan meeting, campout, and activity dates for the Fall. Selecting these, even if specific plans aren’t yet set, and then communicating them to families helps your unit get “first dibs” on families’ busy calendars.

First Meeting of the School Year

Setting a first meeting date soon after the school year begins will help set a routine for Scouting in your unit and families. Don’t wait until October to get Scouting started back up. Pick a place, time, and location for a first meeting and start promoting it to families!

First Campout/Activity of the School Year 

Kids and families join Scouting for the activities, so keep this important aspect of your unit program front and center. Consider location, weather, and activities that will be easily accessible for your families, and get the word out right away!


Popcorn sales start soon after school starts, so be sure you have a Popcorn Kernel for your unit and start organizing your sales plan. Check with your district executive and District Popcorn Kernel on kickoff and sales dates to add to your calendar.

Planning will help to ensure a smooth transition and a welcoming and fun experience for all Scouts and families – new and returning! As always, please reach out if you need any assistance.

Happy Scouting!
Terry Dutton
Montana Council COO


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