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I Asked A Robot To Write A Poem About Our Website

Plus A Few Resources An Actual Human Thinks Is Worth Knowing About

With the hype around ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence applications creating content – some impressive, some bewildering and some outright discomforting – I decided to have some fun and try it out with some Scouting topics. So, I asked OpenAI’s chatbot to write a poem about our website. I didn’t give it many parameters or guardrails, I wanted to see what it came up with on its own (if that’s accurate to say).

Before I share the robot’s prose, I want to point out a few things on our site that – if you haven’t found them already – can be helpful resources.

1. We have an outstanding calendar and event registration system.

The system, (aka Blackpug), is a Scouting-centric system used by dozens of councils around the country. It is dynamic and can meet all of our event registration needs, including summer camps, camporees, Merit Badge Universities and more! Payments can be made directly via online registration or at any of the Montana Council Offices.

The Montana Council calendar can be found on our events page and each district has a dedicated calendar on their web page.
(Read more about our calendar here.)

Most importantly, it’s incredibly easy to use and to find information quickly using manual searches or applying filters. It also easily integrates with any calendaring system.

2. Our resources page continues to grow.

It’s not always the most fun page on a website, but our resources page is growing to be a one-stop shop to access the most frequently-asked-for resources in Scouting.

On this page, you’ll find easy links to Youth Protection information, unit resources and rechartering information, commissioner resources, camp staff information and applications and links to important documents and forms, among others.

It even has a link to our YouTube channel. Which, although not technically a part of our website, is becoming an incredible place for stories of Scouting in Montana.

3. Training is included.

Whether it’s training youth or an adult to be the best version of themselves, no one trains like the BSA. Our Leader Training section features primarily Wood Badge and NYLT (both of which are open to applicants) but this page is marked for growth. So check it out, register for Wood Badge or NYLT and come back soon. The training calendar alone is worth knowing about.

4. District-specific pages.

Last, but not least, each district has a dedicated webpage to best share the important contact information and news for the district. Each page is customizable, dependent on the districts’ needs. If there are things you would like to see on your district page, let your district leadership know or contact me –

These are just a few items on our website that I hope help make things easier for all in Scouting. But now – for what you really came here for – a poem, about the Montana Council website by ChatbotGPI.

Montana Council Boy Scouts of America,
A website with a wealth of information,
For families and Scouts to explore and see,
The joys and opportunities of this organization.

Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and more,
Programs for every age and stage,
Events and activities to explore,
Where skills are learned on each page.

Training for leaders, resources galore,
Guidelines for safe Scouting and success,
Volunteer roles for those who adore,
Giving back and helping others progress.

Stay informed with the latest news,
Updates from the council and BSA,
Discover the wonders and views,
Of Scouting in Montana, every day., a website so grand,
With so much to offer, come and take a stand.

(It might just be me, but it’s lacking a certain spark.)

Yours in Scouting,

Lido Vizzutti
Director of Marketing and Communications


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