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Executive Corner: Resources For Membership & Healthy Units

Upcoming Opportunities: Annual Convention Seminars & What A Unit Can Do Now

Let’s Help Make Membership Better and Easier

In the coming months, we will have the opportunity to discuss how we can better improve our membership efforts, recruit more adults, and hopefully make recruiting easier and more effective.

Beginning in April, with Convention, we will activate the ability to complete Online Adult Applications. At Convention, we will also provide several seminar courses related to membership, such as Pack Recruitment, changing positions online and submitting online youth and adult applications with My.Scouting, the importance of New Member Coordinators, and ways to improve the unit program. 

Most importantly, join us for the 12 Point Plan seminar to discuss how each unit can increase marketing efforts to build a stronger Scout unit. 

In May, we plan to roll out the Fall Membership Recruitment Plan through a webinar to help recruit youth and adults to every unit. As we prepare to recruit more youth into Scouting, the Montana Council and your district executive are here to help. We want to provide more tools and a solid plan to help your unit.

What can units do right now? 

The best thing you can do is to make sure you identify in your unit who will coordinate recruitment efforts. 

Have you also considered a person to be a greeter at every unit meeting to make sure to say hello to everyone who comes in? Have you ever thought about how many ways you do things that could be considered outreach to have people join your unit? 

What you can do best right now is to identify the ways you handle recruiting so that when it comes time to discuss them or implement a plan you are ready.

Yours in Scouting,

Pat Dannenberg
Director of Field Service


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