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DSE Corner: An Eventful Fall

Welcome to October!

I have had the opportunity to visit multiple events over the past few weeks and I have to say, it is truly invigorating seeing all the great Scouting going on throughout Montana.

I attended Fall Fellowship at K-M Scout Ranch – a great turnout. I cannot remember when so much great work got done in one day at one of our Scout properties (weeding, brush clearing, landscaping, cleaning, and pulling old material and debris). 

To those that participated – thank you. The brother and sisterhood of cheerful service have never shone so bright. To Tom, Brant, Andrew and Greg and all those that helped transport Scouts to and from the event – thank you!

Next, I attended a meeting of the finance committee in Helena where the Prickly Pear District is preparing to have a significant fundraising event. Your work is both appreciated and celebrated. To John, Jennifer, Bill, Bryan, Deb, Blake and LeRoy, thank you for all you do to help the council raise the necessary resources to keep building our programs!

Lastly, I have just returned from the 18th Annual Bitterroot Rendezvous – a brainchild of Randy and Cory Keith. As you may know, we lost Randy recently and I can’t help but think that he was smiling down on all of us this past weekend in the Bitterroot.

Special thanks to Billy Andrews, Scott Jourdonnais, Albert Grobe, David C. Gray, Greg Beach and Chuck Eubank, and all the volunteers who stepped up to run stations. I witnessed a lot of great Scouting and it would not have happened without all of you. Nearly every unit in Mullan Trail was represented at the event and a couple of special guests from Silvertip and Mountain Valley. A special thanks to Lynn and Frances Heppler who completed the NCAP inspection as well.

This is just scratching the surface of all that is happening. I know there are many, many volunteers working hard and MAKING things happen. God Bless you, and thank you!

It is membership season and popcorn season. I hope that, like me, you are fully embracing that. It is imperative to our youth and the future of the Montana Council.

Have an awesome fall – there is no prettier season in the great state of Montana.

See you on the trail.

Jory Dellinger
Deputy Scout Executive


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