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DSE Corner: A Welcome Spring

Welcome to April and, from my chair, it looks as though spring is starting to find us here in Montana. As I write, I can hear the birds singing outside, basking in the sun. That’s pretty cool.

This is a refreshing time of year, and with all that we have dealt with over the past 12 months, this is more needed than ever.

It is a refreshing time for Scouting as well. We are contacted now more than ever before with youth and parents inquiring about Scouting. This is exciting. And while we are all cautious about onboarding, face-to-face meetings and gatherings, it looks as though things are looking up.

From time to time, we express our gratitude for all you do. Whether you are a parent, donor, volunteer or all of the above, your support and action are what makes Scouting work. Very few youth organizations are so strongly routed on audience participation. Your efforts mean the world to us and it is important you know we appreciate you!

April is also Child Abuse Awareness month. Never in the history of our country has this subject been more paramount. Never in the history of our organization has this subject been more embraced. 

Your board and staff put the protection and safety of our youth on the highest level. We are revamping camping standards, prioritizing and putting a heavy emphasis on training and enforcement, and, overall, being more engaged in youth protection. 

Today the Boy Scouts of America is considered one of the safest and most significant Youth Protection groups in the country. We applaud all groups that, like us, are doing more to protect children today. We encourage your support of groups that are making this a priority.

We need your continued help and support. 2021 will be a difficult year. Your participation in our Investment in Character and Leadership campaign is needed now more than ever. We want to grow Scouting and our programs but we cannot do it without your financial and volunteer support. 

Donations can be directed to 

If you have not yet done so, please support Scouting today.

Lastly, this time of year brings thoughts of family. One thing that 2020 taught us is that family is more important than ever. Both your family and our Scouting family. We know that it takes a village to raise a child. The village is struggling. We must all step up and be the best parents, children, volunteers, neighbors and friends we can be.

Everyone has a challenge, but the true spirit of Scouting holds that we “help other people at all times.” I’d suggest there has never been a greater time to help.

God Bless you all and thank you so much for your support of the Montana Council. 

Yours in Scouting,

Jory Dellinger
Deputy Scout Executive


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