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Unit Websites & Social Accounts

Helpful Reminders For Your Unit

Many units use Facebook and other forms of social media to communicate among leaders, share photos, promote events, and promote Scouting in general. Some units are finding that they benefit from having their own website to communicate with prospective Scouting families and current Scouting families.

If you do decide to create a website or a social media account for your unit, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. Remember Internet Safety: Follow the BSA’s Digital Safety and Online Scouting Activities guidelines and Social Media Guidelines to keep young people safe online.
  2. Strive for “one source of truth”: Rather than duplicating information from the council website, copying and pasting BSA policies, or what is on, use links that take someone to the source.
  3. Stay up to date: Keeping a website or social media account up to date is imperative to serve not only registered families looking for information but also prospective families. To someone new to Scouting, a website may be the first impression. If a website or social media account provides out-of-date or inaccurate information, it sends the message that the unit is unorganized or stopped operating.
  4. Have multiple admins: Sharing responsibilities makes for lighter work. This also ensures more than one individual holds the keys to access the account.
  5. Use what’s already available: If your unit doesn’t need a website or can’t commit to keeping sites and accounts active, use what is available through the Montana Council website, your local district page, and

Online accounts are a great way to make a first impression. Working together, we can make sure we are representing Scouting in the best possible way. The BSA brand identity goes beyond making sure we use approved logos and colors. It is about how we present ourselves to the public, whether in person or online.

Yours in Scouting,

Lido Vizzutti
Director of Marketing & Communications


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