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SE Corner: Thanks For An Incredible Summer

Shoutout To A Few Individuals Who Made Scouting Especially Successful

Hello everyone,

I hope that as summer begins to wind down and school starts to wind up, things are going well for you and your families.

What a summer it has been. We successfully navigated the waters of two summer camp operations, a high-adventure base, National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), and Jamborees. That is one busy summer. I’m grateful for everyone who played a part in providing life-changing experiences for Scouts in Montana. Thank you for your involvement.

I would like to give a special shoutout to a few individuals who made Scouting especially successful this summer:

  • Don Fields – who not only led our NYLT course but also served as Scoutmaster for our National Jamboree boys’ contingent. Your efforts were significant and meaningful!
  • Luke Coccoli and Alex Crawford at MOHAB – who received tremendous feedback from our MOHAB experiences this summer.
  • John Brault, Grace Friend, Tanner Dodge, and Nick Williams at K-M Scout Ranch – you faced significant challenges and overcame them swimmingly. Tons of positive feedback and double the attendance as last year. Way to go!
  • Terry Dutton, Ashley Jerome, Julie Hille, and Duane Hille at Melita – never an easy operation, our feedback at Melita this year is the best I’ve ever heard from any camp anywhere. Way to be a team and make things happen.
  • Paul Rodgers – who led the organization and logistics for the National Jamboree contingent and is currently leading our contingent at the World Jamboree in South Korea. If you have been paying attention to the news, there have been significant challenges with heat and logistics at World Jamboree. Thanks for keeping our kids safe and moving with the tide as necessary to keep the experience positive for all.
  • Lastly, a special shout-out to Wayne Thares – when you think he cannot possibly do more for us or be more helpful, he jumps in and shows the meaning of Scout Spirit. Wayne stepped in and cooked at K-M Scout Ranch for ten days while we were between cooks. He saved us from an impossible situation. Wayne, a hearty Scout salute and thank you.

Scouting is an incredible program, filled with amazing people, all dedicated to giving the next generation of leaders an education and a head-start. We remain thankful to all of you who help make Scouting go.

Cheers to another great recruiting season. The best gift you can ever give is to introduce more young people (and their families) to Scouting.

Yours in Scouting,

Jory Dellinger
Scout Executive & CEO


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