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Introduction, President McIntosh

Welcome Walt McIntosh, Montana Council Board President

As summertime Scouting activities begin in full force, I want to reaffirm how vitally important all of you are who give of your time, talent, and treasure to keep Scouting alive, well, and growing in Montana!

Throughout my years as a “Scouter” (adult volunteer), I’ve seen young people mature into wonderful adults, adults grow in personal and professional acumen, and communities benefit from Scouting. This happens only because busy people like you make Scouting a priority. You impact lives. You make a difference!

As your new Montana Council President, I’m honored to slide behind the wheel of the ‘Greg Beach Bus’ and work alongside him, Council Executive Jory Dellinger, Council Commissioner Gary Ely, your Board of Directors, and all of YOU absolutely fantastic volunteers and professionals across our great state. Indeed, Scouting has a strong foundation in Montana, and together we’ll get to that next mountaintop!

I hope to see many of you this summer, be it at one of our summer camps, a camporee, NYLT, Wood Badge, or along a trail or stream. We live in the Last Best Place, so treat yourselves and your Scouts to more of it as we keep the “Outing” in ScOuting.

If there is anything your Montana Council staff can do to help you strengthen Scouting in your District, Pack, Troop, or Crew, please let me know. Youth are our future and the reason we serve.

Yours in Scouting,

Walt McIntosh 
Montana Council President 


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