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Tune-up Your Unit Engine

Dynamic, dedicated Scoutmasters and Cubmasters are the heart of a unit and make for a great program. In reality, it is the UNIT COMMITTEE that is the engine of a Scout Unit. Committee Training will show you how to be part of a group of parents that operates like a high-powered, Formula 1 racing team. Here are the benefits of being part of a fully trained, tuned up Unit Committee:

  1. Shorter Meetings! Save time by having a Committee Meeting that is no longer than an hour.
  2. Predictable Calendars! You can avoid juggling last-minute activities if your Committee is planning the program in advance.
  3. More Parents! Long, boring meetings send parents running away especially if they are new to Scouting and don’t understand how to fit in. Well-run committee meetings help parents get involved.
  4. Better Program! Committee meetings can uncover resources, make it easy to delegate small jobs, and ultimately make your unit run better.
  5. Camaraderie and Fun! Did you know that both training and something fun are supposed to be on the agenda at every committee meeting? Scouting is a relationship, and building friendships is for the adults in Scouting as well as the youth.

A small investment of 75 minutes is all you need to learn how to follow Scouting Committee best practices and get trained for your committee position. The next Montana Council class is Tuesday, June 22, 7:00 – 8:15 with 15 minutes for Q & A after the class. Sign-up now if you want more time, predictable schedules, more parent involvement, a better program, and more fun for your Scout unit!

Betsy Eubanks
Montana Council Training Team


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