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A Beautiful Day

Today is a beautiful day.  The sun came up and, outside my home office, I can hear birds singing the songs of Spring.

I can tell you that as a staff, a council and a movement, we are amazed.

We are amazed by all that our Scouts and Scout Leaders are doing to meet, to continue with activities and even to camp – virtually.

A couple of weeks ago, nobody was really sure how this was going to all work. As I promised in my last newsletter column – you have prevailed.  Scouting is alive and well during these unprecedented times.

Here is a link to Scouting at Home Activities. This movement continues to morph and, through the leadership of Betsy Eubanks, Shon Ostler and a committee of committed folks, it is growing to be even bigger and more significant.

Scouting At Home

Beyond our continually updated Scouting at Home information, we are launching a new Screen-Based Scouting (SBS) initiative. The vision of the SBS is to provide resources to Scouts, families and leaders and ensure Scouting is a continuous adventure regardless of geography, pandemic or weather. Learn more bout how to be a part of the team:

Screen-Based Scouting

And if there was ever any doubt that our Scouting community isn’t compassionate about all who are putting themselves at risk for our safety, check out this video featuring many of us showing the gratitude we have for our frontline workers.

Most importantly, the call to serve has never been stronger.  Across the communities in our great State, Scouts and Volunteers are not only jumping at the chance but, in some cases, making the chance available to serve others.

It makes me realize that while Scouting has changed over the years, what Scouting does has not.

We recognize that we are stronger together than we are apart. We recognize that COVID-19 and things like it do not segregate by race, religion, politics or sex. We recognize that Scouting serves – always has and always will.

I am proud to be associated with all of you who recognize the true value of this program is not awards and medals, rather the willingness to Do a Good Turn Daily and to Help Other People at all times.

I salute you,

Jory Dellinger
Deputy Scout Executive


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