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Screen-Boosted Scouting Initiative

Scouting is always ready to adapt to changing circumstances, be it bad weather or broken tent poles. We are adapting to the COVID-19 threat by launching an initiative to develop resources and skills for Montana Scouters that will be useful today and in the future.

Starting this month, this initiative will begin to help every Scout unit in Montana experience improved programs through exciting resources, remote content delivery confidence and improved leader training.

We respect and understand the delicate balance between screen time and experiencing a natural world independent of technology. As we help guide Scouts and provide them the means to responsibly use other tools, so is the case with technology.

In today’s context, there are many times when we can advance Scouting – through program and training – taking advantage of the technology at our fingertips, such as phones, remote meetings and videos.

Using a phone app to show Scouts a star map is one idea. Using a virtual meeting to have a forestry expert talk to Scouts about a merit badge helps them when they do get outside.

Having a meeting, rather than canceling the meeting because of icy roads, boosts Scouting.

The vision of the Screen-Boosted Scouting (SBS) team is to propel Scouting under any circumstance. It will provide resources to Scouts, families and leaders and ensure Scouting is a continuous adventure regardless of geography, pandemic or weather.

Do you or some of your older Scouts have ideas and energy for this vision?

While this will be an ongoing initiative, we are looking for volunteers to join our effort, either by committing to one year or for the shorter term of producing a Gemstone piece of content.

We need team leaders as well as team members for three different areas: Gemstones, Screen Neighbors, and Miners.

Gemstones: We have such talent in Montana! If you have Gemstone content you are willing to share, whether that is a Cub Scout program activity, Merit Badge online, or any other program or training you can deliver via a screen, step up to be a Montana Gemstone. Scouters and Scouts welcome on this team!

Screen Neighbors: Scouting is a relationship, and this is true now more than ever. Screen Neighbors will agree to help another Scout unit in the council to learn and use new resources. If your unit is already using screens in your Scout program and you are ready to help another unit, this is the team for you. We will match you with a unit. Scouters who pair with a unit are encouraged to have a Scout or two also help to be a Screen Neighbor to the Scouts.

Miners: Amazing resources already exist that could help our Scouters – if we could find them. Miners will look for and catalog this existing content based on needs identified in Montana Council as well as just using good instincts on what may help our Units based on their Scouting experience. Miners will specialize by Program Area. Older Scouts are welcome to work alongside an adult leader on the Miners!

A Team Leader and several Team Members are needed for these areas:

  • Cub Scout Advancement
  • Cub Scout General Program
  • Scout BSA Advancement – Trail to First Class
  • Scout BSA Merit Badges
  • Scout BSA General Program and Training
  • Venturing
  • Adult Training

Want to become a part of the team?  Let us know by emailing Betsy Eubanks –

Betsy Eubanks
SBS Initiative Leader


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