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SE Corner: Our Goals Are Clear

This is an exciting time of year for our Scouts and Scouters.

We have completed several highly successful ICL fundraising events, many camp weeks are full and others are filling fast, Eagle Scouts are in action across Montana communities conducting thousands of hours of service projects, and we are wrapping up unit re-charters.

Many units will begin “Spring Recruitment” to recruit new Scouts. This is very important. With more youth involved in the program, the values of Scouting will flourish. These newly recruited Scouts will also benefit from the life skills they will obtain by attending camp this summer.

The council leadership has established four goals for 2020: Safety, Fundraising, Membership and Unit Service. These goals are the foundation of the Scouting program and are the goals of each Montana council employee.

Welcoming more youth to our program, funding that program and ensuring the safety of our Scouts and leaders are arguably the most important things we can do for our volunteers and staff.  We want to ensure that all our Scouts and Scouters are always safe as they enjoy their Scouting experiences.

We will continue to embark on major advertising and marketing campaigns to let everyone know how great Scouting truly is now and in the years to come!

In the many years that I have been a professional Scouter, I have personally witnessed how Scouting has positively influenced many young people’s lives. Please take time to explain to family and friends how important Scouting is in a young person’s life.

Exceptional people like you have made Scouting outstanding for years and will continue to make Scouting amazing for years to come. With your endless dedication Scouting will continue for many generations!

Thank you for all that you do!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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