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Adult Leaders Needed For 2021 Jamboree

For many Scouts, attendance at a National Jamboree is a once in a lifetime event and could be considered the pinnacle of their scouting experience. As such, the Montana Council wants to make the 2021 experience the best it can be.

To make this happen, we are seeking adult leaders to lead our contingents’ Jamboree adventure in 2021.

We have spots available for ten leaders in the positions of Scoutmaster, 1st Assistant, 2nd Assistant and 3rd Assistant. We have needs for both male and female leaders. Adults interested in participating must meet the following requirements:

  • Possess a current BSA membership with a Scouts BSA Troop, Venturing Crew, Exploring Post or Sea Scout Ship.
  • Scoutmasters/Advisors/Skippers and first assistant Scoutmasters/Advisors/ Skippers must be at least 21-years-old by the first day of the jamboree.
  • Second assistant Scoutmasters/Advisors/Skippers must be at least 18-years-old by the first day of the jamboree.
  • Third assistant Scoutmasters/Advisors/Skippers must be at least 18-years-old by the first day of the jamboree. Councils may select an adult over 21, if necessary.
  • Scoutmaster/Advisor/Skipper applicants must be currently serving as a Scoutmaster/Advisor/Skipper.
  • All Assistant leaders must be currently serving in a unit in an adult leadership position.
  • Scoutmaster/Advisor/Skipper applicants must have completed leader-specific training.
  • All Adult leaders must file a jamboree personal health and medical record.
  • All adult leaders must be approved by the local council.
  • All adult leaders must submit all registration fees per their local council’s payment schedule.
  • BSA Youth Protection Training must be current through the last day of the Jamboree.

Additional information about the duties of these leadership positions can be found here:

Jamboree Leadership Roles

For more additional information visit the Monta Council Jabmboree webpage or the official 2021 National Jamboree website.

If you are interested in becoming one of our contingent leaders or have more questions please contact Shon Ostler, or 406-241-6014


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