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Unit Leaders, Make Every Hour Count

Every year our Scouts accumulate endless service hours helping to make our communities a better place to live. Unfortunately, often they are not given the credit for the time they put in.

If the hours are not logged properly the Scouts and your unit do not receive credit. This includes service hours toward your unit’s JTE.

We would like to help clarify and simplify the process of recording service hours for you:

1)   Fill out the included worksheet

2)   Have your Unit ID available (this is different than your unit number see the attached to find your unit ID number)

3)    Go to – – to create your account and report your service hours.

Now your unit and your scouts will have credit for all their hard work!

Unit ID numbers

You can find your Unit ID Number in the PDF above.

Service Project JTE Report Form

Download the Journey to Excellence Service Project Reporting Form from the link above.


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