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World Scout Jamboree 2019

In 2019, more than 40,000 Scouts and leaders from more than 150 countries around the world will converge on Summit Bechtel Reserve, West Virginia, for the 24th World Scout Jamboree.

The WSJ is different than National Jamboree’s in many ways, including:

  • Most National Scout Organizations have both men and women participants, so about half of the WSJ participants are girls and women.
  • The focus is more on meeting people from different cultures and countries than doing high-adventure activities.  Sure, you will have plenty of opportunities to zip-line, kayak, and ride mountain bikes, but you will also have many opportunities to meet new friends and learn what Scouting and life are like in other countries.
  • The World Scout Jamboree has special programs for participants to learn about different cultures, sustainability, peace, and community service.  These activities are intended to give participants an opportunity to learn new things and to build new friendships.
  • Participants will live and learn with fellow Scouts from around the world. They will be housed in tents along with the BSA contingent but will soon venture out to mingle with tens of thousands of people for two weeks of activities and adventure. That’s right, a world fellowship exercise on an enormous scale!

The Details:

  • Dates: July 22- August 2, 2019 (USA contingent will arrive on July 21, 2019)
    Location: Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve, West Virginia, USA
  • Eligibility: Birthday between July 22, 2001 and July 21, 2005 for youth participants (boys and girls) must be age 14-17. Birthday before July 22, 2001 (age 18 and older) for adult unit leaders (age 18 and older) and International Service Team (IST) age 18 and older.
  • Registration: The USA contingent application system is open NOW!  Participants, adult leaders, and IST will complete an online application.  Applications will be reviewed on both a Council and National level.  Official information and a link to the online application can be found on the USA Contingent website.
  • Fees: Total fees, along with a payment schedule will be published on the application website.  Early applicant discount: applicants who submit a $250 deposit between November 1, 2017, and January 31, 2018, and make all additional payments on time will have a $100 discount applied to their last payment.  Any payment made after March 15, 2019, is subject to an additional $50 late fee.  A partial scholarship will be available based on need.  More details pertaining to the scholarship program will be available on or before Dec 31, 2017.  Partial scholarships, if received, will be applied to the final payments.
  • Fees include: Jamboree registration, meals, tents, patrol and cooking gear, travel expenses including food between “hub cities” and the jamboree.  Applicants will be responsible for the costs to get themselves to and from these “hub city” locations.  Participant and leader fees may vary by region due to different travel costs.  In an effort to reduce costs, there will be NO TOURS pre or post Jamboree.
    • The IST fees will include all of the participant items except for transportation and travel related expenses.  Transportation to and from the Jamboree will be the responsibility of the IST member based on when they need to report or depart from their staff assignment.
  • Selection Process:
    • Participants: Participants will be notified, by unit leadership, if they have been accepted or are being put on a waiting list.  If they are put on a waiting list, they will continue to pay according to the payment schedule.  Applicants on the waiting list that are not ultimately selected will receive a full refund including initial deposit.
    • Leaders: There will be four leaders per unit and acceptance timing will be based on the filling of youth in the units which have been allocated to each Region.  Leaders will continue to pay, according to the payment schedule even if they have not been confirmed.  BSA area and regional leadership will select leaders based on the leader qualifications.  Leader applicants who are not ultimately selected will receive a full refund.  If a unit leader applicant is not selected for a unit leadership position, it would be encouraged that they consider modifying their registration status to that of an International Service Team member applicant.  Once that modification is made in their application, selection for IST positions would be handled by the Host Committee.  Female leadership is important in order to follow BSA policy on co-ed units.
    • IST- Once approved by their local Council and the USA Contingent leadership, the application will be sent to the World Jamboree Organizers (Host).  The Host will notify the applicant of the acceptance and job assignment.  Some assignments will likely be given in 2018 and some in 2019.  The applicant will need to continue to pay as per the fee schedule above.  If an applicant is not ultimately accepted, they will receive a full refund.

For more information, visit the host website at


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