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Scouting Incident Reporting

A key responsibility shared by all volunteers and professional staff is providing an effective program that meets the needs of youth and provides proper health and safety of everyone concerned.

The Scouting program, as contained in our handbooks and other literature, includes many safety features. However, no policy or procedure can be effective without the vigilance of well trained trusted Scout leaders and other adults in executing the program.

But even when we follow all the rules and take precautions, caused occurrences – i.e. accidents – may happen.

Scouting is not a risk free activity. It is important that we sustain the safe operation of our programs and promote continuous improvement through organizational learning. Timely and complete incident reports support analysis that is critical to identifying needed improvement of the programs offered by the Boy Scouts of America.

Outdoor programs and activities like scouting are inherently risky. Adult volunteers and professional staff have a duty to report in a timely manner caused occurrences that happen in the Montana Council.

Below are links which will explain when to file a report and how to file a report. All reports must be sent directly to our Scout Executive as soon as possible. When it’s possible, a call should be made as well to explain the incident. This should be followed with a written report.

The information will be treated as confidential and no names or units will be made available to the public.

What Is an Incident?

Loosely defined, an incident is any unplanned event that results in harm to an individual, property, or the environment.

* Caused occurrence – an event that results in harm to an individual, property, or the environment that was preventable.
* Accident – an event that results in harm to an individual, property, or the environment that was not preventable.

The BSA has begun posting a series of review sheets based on incidents that have actually occurred. These reviews can be downloaded here along with a how-to sheet to help discuss what can be learned from the incidents and how you can execute the Scouting program safely as designed.

Remember: ANY incident that requires the intervention of medical personnel, involves emergency responders, or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid must be reported.

Tony Higuera

Chairman – Council Risk Management Board



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