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2017 National Scout Jamboree

There are still a few spots left for Jamboree and still time to sign up!

November 30, 2016, has been set as the signup deadline allowing us to finalize details with our tour company. Don’t worry about missed payment dates, those payments can be sent in now.

If funding is an issue, please reach out to Kyle Smith or Michelle Ferguson in the Great Falls office so we can work on a plan to help you out.

Great Falls Office: (406) 761-6000
Kyle Smith:
Michelle Ferguson:

Jamboree consists of two weeks of activities: The first week is touring the Washington, D.C., area and experiencing sites many of you have not seen in person. The second week is all Jamboree FUN!

Post Jamboree, we’ll wrap up the trip with some roaring NASCAR action before heading home.

Check out the Jamboree newsletter for more details on this lifetime adventure. You do NOT want to miss it!
National Scout Jamboree Newsletter



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