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Training Matters

Dear Scouting Friends,

June went by fast didn’t it? A lot was going on in Montana Council on several fronts.

At the council level, the Order of the Arrow and camp committees were busy doing a terrific job of preparing our camps for the summer season. Also, exciting Cub Scout Day camps were going on all around the council, much to the delight of all the Cub Scouts and parents who participated.

In addition, June was a key month for leader training in Montana Council. Early in the month Wood Badge training – the advanced training for adult leaders held at Grizzly Base Camp – completed its second weekend and now the participants are working their “ticket” to complete the course.

Later in the month it was time for the youth leaders from across the state to experience NYLT – National Youth Leader Training – and we had two courses, one at Grizzly Base and one at K-M Scout Ranch.

Special thanks are in order for Jim Atkinson, the Wood Badge Course Director, and his outstanding staff. Likewise, kudos for Kim Bortz, Course Director, and her dedicated staff for NYLT-East at K-M, and for David Gray, Course Director, and his top-notch staff for NYLT-West at Grizzly Base.

I was able to spend time at each of these courses and was impressed with the energy and the delivery of outstanding training that these staffs provided in their courses.

Congratulations to all of the participants of this year’s Wood Badge and NYLT courses for having the desire and dedication to commit to growing and developing your leadership skills. These trainings will serve you well, in Scouting and other areas of your life.

Training matters! It is a key ingredient for quality Scouting – I invite and challenge every leader to step up and take advantage of all levels of training made available by Team 315, your council. I am confident you will find it will be time well spent!

Have a great rest of your Scouting summer!

Yours in Scouting,

Gordon Rubard
Scout Executive
