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Council Camps Welcome Venture Crews

In an effort to support our growing population of Venture Crews across the council, the Montana Council is happy to announce that our resident camps K-M Scout Ranch, Melita Island and MOHAB are accepting registrations from any Venture Crew.

Venture Crew members are allowed to participate in any class or activity at camp. Crews may find special interest in one of our high adventure programs such as the A.C.E program at Melita or the Mountain Man Adventure at K-M Scout Ranch, and of course the back county hikes available through Montana Outdoor High Adventure Base (MOHAB).

We want every scout to have an opportunity for an outdoor summer adventure and Venture Crews are not to be left out.  If your Crew is interested in registering for camp this year, please call the Council Service Center at 406-761-6000 or easily join online: 2016 Montana Council Camp Registration.


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