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Summit Grant Opportunity For Eight Montana Scouts

The Montana Council has received a grant that will allow us to send eight (8) boys to summer camp at the Summit Bechtel Reserve.

Boys selected for this trip will get $1,100.00 to plan their ultimate adventure.

Their Summit experience will feature traditional scout programs such as Environmentalist, Pioneering, and Wilderness Survival. In addition, Scouts will also have the opportunity to experience some high adventure activities such as zip line, canopy tours and BMX biking.

This program is designed for youth who might not have had an opportunity to attend a regular summer camp experience. Scouts participating in this program will be become part of a provisional troop representing Scouts from all over Montana and will be escorted by two provisional Scout Masters provided by the Council.

If you know of any youth that would benefit from this program or as a Scout Leader would be interested in becoming one of the Provisional Scoutmasters, please contact:

Peter Jones at or DOWNLOAD the APPLICATION.



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