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Investment in Character and Leadership

The Montana Council staff has been fortunate to have the support of many wonderful dedicated people throughout each community in Montana. Your dedication to Scouting has propelled our Council into a new direction. As we move into 2016 and continue to grow the future of Scouting for our youth, please remember to schedule your unit Investment in Character and Leadership presentation.

Your District Executive and District Family ICL Chairman can help with scheduling and assist in making sure your families have the information needed prior to your unit presentation. Your district ICL representative will be contacting you to discuss a potential date.

Remember, schedule your date as early as possible this year to help us provide a presenter to attend your upcoming Blue and Gold or Court of Honor event. Events must be held prior to April 30, 2016.

The Montana Council spends $250 per scout delivering the Scouting program to Montana youth. A new program in 2016 will recognize your Council portion of 2015 Popcorn Sales in addition to your ICL pledges against the Bronze, Gold and Platinum Recognition for 2016. These recognition levels offer discounts to camp, store purchases, and rank advancements for your unit. Your District Executive and ICL representative will provide specific information to you prior to your event.

Thank you for all you do in support of Scouting and for the youth in Montana. Your continued support will help the Montana Council continue to grow and give our youth many great opportunities.

Watch: 2016 Investment in Character and Leadership




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