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2017 National Jamboree In The Books!

On July 15th, 73 Scout leaders, Scouts, and Venturers departed Billings and Missoula heading for their National Jamboree experience.

This Jamboree we did things a little different than we have done in the past. We started the contingent in Washington D.C. and finished the trip in Charlotte, N.C.

The contingent visited Iwo Jima, Air Force, and Einstein Memorials on the first night.

On Sunday the contingent went to Arlington National Cemetary, had a guided tour of the Vietnam, Korean War, and American’s Veterans Disabled for Life Memorials. The American’s Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial is a new attraction in D.C.

On Monday they visited the Capitol Building, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress in the morning.

In the afternoon they all visited the Pentagon 911 Memorial and then half the contingent toured the Pentagon while the other half toured the Holocaust Museum.

They finished the day off with the Washington Monument, WW2 Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial and Memorial Reflecting Pool.

On their way to the Jamboree itself, they visited Mount Vernon, George Washington’s residence and also Monticello. On the last day of the trip, they ended up in Charlotte N.C. and visited the NASCAR Hall Of Fame.

The Montana Council would like to extend a hearty THANK YOU! to the contingent leadership.

The contingent leadership is as follows: Crew 5286- Advisor Heather Hummert, Troop 3241- Scoutmaster Billy Andrews, 1st ASM Dennie Stephenson, 2nd ASM Ed Leas, and 3rd ASM Doug Stobie, Troop 3444- Scoutmaster Tony Higuera, 1st ASM Mike Zielinski, 2nd ASM Alan Lohof, 3rd Bryon Felter.

A special THANK YOU to our Jamboree Committee, Chair Randy Keith, with Loren Brown and Walt McIntosh. Their leadership and mentoring were extremely helpful as we set up this once in a lifetime experience.

Lastly, if it were not for this group among the other several thousand staff who attended the Jamboree on their own dime, the experiences our Scouts had would not have been as enjoyable and beneficial.

Those from Montana who served on staff are as follows: Tanner Dodge, Mitch Edgar, John Hansen, Tara Hazeltine, Josey Quinones, Aarron Thompson, Doug Bahr, Stephen Bowen, Jory Dellinger, Cammie Edgar, Peter Graf, Corey Keith, Randy Keith, Fr Leo McDowell, Keith Nathan, Markie Nathan, Elmer Palmer, Bill Rich, William Stearns, and Jared Wright.

Thanks for all who participated in the Jamboree! We look forward to seeing many of you for the next National Jamboree in 2021!

Don’t forget the World Jamboree in 2019 hosted by the US, Canada and Mexico held at the Summit as well!

For more images, check out Finn W.’s awesome shared album from the Jamboree adventure!

Also – Read Finn’s testimonial on his experience at Jamboree.


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