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Youth Protection Training: YPT2

YPT2.  As many of you have noted, there is a new Youth Protection Training course, called YPT2, now on

This course is a single program for all levels of Scouting (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture, and Explorer).  The content is outstanding with three modules and a 25 question test.

The modules are Overview and Policies, Sexual Abuse, and Bullying. Prior versions of YPT are no longer available online. Facilitator-led YPT2 training materials are supposed to be available by mid-2018.


Everyone registered with the BSA (volunteers, professionals and staff) are required to take YPT2 not later than October 1, 2018.

Even if you took the old course in December, you are required to take this new version in the next 7 months.

Like the old course, National has set the new training to be good for two years; however Montana Council’s Policy not to reregister a Scouter if their YPT expires within the upcoming registration period.


  • Adults accompanying units on activities who are present at the activity for 72 hours or more, must take YPT2.  The 72 hours need not be consecutive.
  • New leaders are required to take YPT2 prior to completing the registration period.

The only two BSA Positions that are exempt from taking YPT2 are institutional heads (i.e., head of the chartered organization) and adult partners in Tiger and Lion programs.


The course has a lot of videos included in it, therefore it requires a significant bandwidth to run it online.

I tried to take the course from my home using my DSL connection with 1.5 MBPS download. It took well over an hour to run the first module alone. That’s ridiculous.

I went to my local library and used its WI-FI with much faster speed to finish the course. I also complained to National. They are aware of the problem and are working with their contractor to correct it, but right now you would be better advised to go to a library or other WI-FI hotspot that has a good download speed to take the course.

Bottom Line: Unless you need to take YPT2 now or have access to high-speed internet, wait until BSA fixes the program and makes it acceptable to those of us who live in rural Councils.

Tom Russell
Montana Council Commissioner


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