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Why Is Wood Badge Important?

Wood Badge is important training designed to challenge us, test our limits, offer insight into the emotional roller coaster of our Scouts as they advance through the program, give meaning to time spent in Scouting and make the job as a leader easier.

It might also just be the most fun you’ll have as a Scout leader.

Wood Badge is the advanced training for all Scout leaders (Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing). It is valuable in many ways! Here are just a few that come to mind:

  • You are taught and led by a staff of experienced, outstanding Scouters who will inspire and support you throughout the training.
  • The sessions give you a better understanding of the aims and methods of Scouting and how you can make the program in your unit better and more productive.
  • You will learn of the many resources available to help you succeed in your Scouting job.
  • It is great management training for your Scouting job, and other areas of your life (many companies give time off or pay the course fee for their employees who take Wood Badge).
  • You will develop a network of other great Scouters from around the state that you can turn to for advice and support.

Wood Badge will make you a better Scout leader and provides a dynamic management training experience that will make you more effective and productive in all areas of your life.

Wood Badge is important training, it always draws an outstanding staff and great participants. Besides all that, Wood Badge is fun and always lifts my spirits. Many Scouters report that Wood Badge is one of the highlights – a mountaintop experience – in their Scouting careers.

Wood Badge is time well spent! Please spread the word to all your unit members. This is the top leadership course in the BSA for both volunteers and professionals. You will have fun!


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