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Through It All, Scouting Prevails

Looking out my office window, things are a bit surreal. As I write this, the traffic is minimal and, for some reason, the wind just won’t quit. These are interesting times in which we find ourselves.

While COVID-19 and the pending seesaw of the financial markets have us all a bit uneasy, the sun still rises and sets, and Scouting – though being delivered in new ways – is still happening.

Last week, there was a “virtual” Eagle Board of Review. A handy way to host the proceeding in a place as vast as Montana. We should have done this years ago!

Left and right we are hearing stories of virtual den meetings, pack meetings and troop meetings. In a recent planning meeting, we talked about virtual NOVA awards that can be taught by science teachers looking for ways to give time.

Opportunities like this could extend, in many ways, through the avenues of advancement. This could change Scouting going forward in a big way.

Here is a link to some Questions and Answers you may have during this time:

Read: COVID-19 Questions and Answers

In our 110-year history, we have weathered other big storms such as the Great Depression, World Wars, the attacks on September 11 and multiple economic downturns. Through it all, Scouting has prevailed. I would submit that we have even shined during these difficult times. It is this generation’s turn to shine.

Scouting has taken its fair share of the blame for many things recently. I get it. We are a big movement who has forever touted a wholesome image. I believe that if you were to query the 130+ million alumni, you would maintain that honorable image. While we may not always be perfect, more than not, we strive to be the best we can be and set strong examples for others.

Some of you have asked what our Scouts can be doing to help others.  There is a multitude of things we can be doing to serve others.  A few that come to mind are; making food or supply deliveries, raising funds for local food banks (think virtual food drive, only with money).  Another fantastic idea – be an electronic “pen pal” for folks that are socially distanced in nursing homes, etc.

This is time for us to band together as Americans and help each other.  We should and can help lead that charge.

It’s funny that people question whether the Boy Scouts is still relevant. Yet several people I know have called or emailed to see how I prepared for this pandemic. Do I have items stored? How am I taking care of my family? Am I worried? These questions and more.

When I press them why they are asking me, they respond, “Because you are a Scout. And Scouts are prepared … for anything … for life.”

When the proverbial stuff hits the fan, we’ll be there. And, more than likely, we’ll be prepared.

Stay Healthy and Good Scouting,

Jory Dellinger
Deputy Scout Executive


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