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Perfect Time To Recruit More Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Packs thrive by recruiting
• Recruiting brings new kids and adults into the program.
• More scouts equal more fun!
• More adults equal more hands to help make a stronger Pack.

Recruiting is a team sport!  Get everyone involved, including your Chartered Organization, Committee Chair, Cub Master, Den Leaders, New Member Coordinator, Parents and Scouts.  Share ideas set a goal and make a plan to achieve your goal.

Recruitment ideas may include:

  • Host a spring Open House
  • Schedule a Bring A Friend Night
  • Participate in school events (Kindergarten registration, parent information events or spring carnivals)
  • Have your Scouts wear their uniforms to school
  • Participate in spring community events or parades
  • Challenge your Scouts to earn the Recruiter patch
  • Start a Lion Den, if your pack doesn’t already have one
  • Add a Den for girls

Here are some great recruiting tips:  

  1. Register and train a New Member Coordinator
  2. Make a recruitment plan
  3. Set a goal
  4. Have a parent welcome letter or packet ready
  5. Have a Pack calendar available
  6. Make sure your Unit pin is updated on

Spring is a great time to add to your pack!
Pack Recruiting Resources


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