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SE Corner: Your Perspective Is Power

Spring is here!

It sure is nice to see some sunshine outside – I even heard birds signing early this morning when I left for the office.  This is always one of my favorite times of the year.  Not only because of the season but because it is such an important time in Scouting for onboarding new Scouts.

Many units across the state are in full effect of sending home fliers and advertising through their families and friends network for new Scouts.  It is our second largest onboarding time of year.

I have worked with our senior leadership team to define 3 major goals in Montana – Membership, Fundraising and Unit Engagement.

These three things are at the top of every employee’s list for a reason, they are the foundation in which all else happens in Scouting.

Driving more youth to the program, funding that program and making sure that the program is arguably the most important things we as staff and volunteers do.

We need your help. We are currently growing – despite what you may have heard – and here in Montana, we have embarked on major advertising and marketing campaigns to let others know how truly great Scouting really is.

I need you to back up that claim.

Take a moment – however brief – to describe to family, friends and acquaintances just how incredible Scouting can be in a young person’s life.

You are the brain trust of the Montana Council and our biggest fans.  Use that power!

Great people like you made Scouting what it is, and great people like you can wand will keep Scouting relevant for generations to come.

Thanks for all you do!

Jory Dellinger
Interim Scout Executive


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