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SE Corner: View From NYLT

Training Makes The Difference In Quality Of Program And Experience

As I write this, I am at National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) at K-M Scout Ranch. 

It is always enjoyable to be a “fly on the wall” during these events. I am awestruck by two things: 

  1. The amazing leadership that volunteers bring to making these courses possible and professional. A huge shout out to Markie Nathan, Eric Sommer, and the entire volunteer leadership team at NYLT.
  2. How truly impressive it is when you let youth lead the way. To Ruby and the entire NYLT youth staff – well done. It is rewarding and inspiring to watch you lead the 48-youth on site.

That’s what Scouting can do when we give youth the guidelines, parameters, and safety protocols to let them lead. The best-of-the-best youth tend to rise into leadership positions at NYLT and I am proud to say that this year’s group is among the best I’ve seen.  

Equally important is the youth in training. They will return and lead their units across the state and mimic the great example they have witnessed while at NYLT.  Our adult leaders across the State must ensure our trained youth have opportunities to lead. 

If you as an adult leader have not made the time or commitment to attend Wood Badge, it is not too late.  Click to sign up today. Understanding how your youth have been trained and being ready to support that effort is one of the keys to a successful unit operation.

In my own life, I remember when 35 years ago, I attended NYLT at the same time my adult leaders attended Wood Badge. We took a struggling troop of 10-12 youth to well over 40! I don’t believe that any of that was a coincidence. Training makes a huge difference to both the quality of our program and the quality of our experience.

Have a great Summer. Get Trained. Be the best you can possibly be. Our Scouts deserve nothing less.

Jory Dellinger
Scout Executive and CEO


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