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SE Corner: The Value Of Scouting

Help Remind People Of Scouting's Positive Impact On Youth Development

Welcome to the Fall. Hopefully, the sudden change in the weather is moving smoke out of your areas, allowing time for a few more outdoor activities in the sun and beneath the changing leaves.

Fall is always an exciting time in Scouting. It’s a time when we onboard many new Scouts into our programs. I always look forward to seeing the new Scouts taking their first steps along the trail of adventure. I hope you do as well. 

Recently, a national poll showed that many Americans don’t know what Scouting is. This is a change from years ago when most people knew what the program was all about and understood its positive impact on youth development. Especially today, in a world where new research shows that post-pandemic parents are worried their kids’ childhood is slipping away.

I would ask all of you to put on your ambassador hat and help us recruit as many Scouts as possible. We know and have witnessed the difference it makes in a person forever.

Here is a link to why Scouting is so important. Check it out, share the article, and remind everyone about the value of Scouting.

Happy Fall!

Jory Dellinger
Scout Executive & CEO
