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SE Corner: It’s Time To GROW

Now that the Montana Council has completed a very successful camp season at our beautiful K-M Scout Ranch, it is time for our fall recruitment season.

Last fall we started the theme of GROW.

Grow, Recourses, Opportunities and Wins

In these exceptional times, the Montana Council will continue to grow financially and in new youth joining our wonderful program, using our recourses, utilizing our opportunities and wins.

Operating K-M Scout Ranch this summer was a huge win for our Scouts and Scouters! Montana Council was one of only a few Scout councils in the nation that was able to offer summer camp. With safety at the forefront, we successfully hosted nearly 900 Scouts – all from Montana. This is an impressive accomplishment that has proven in earnest, a Scout is prepared.

Jory Dellinger, Deputy Scout Executive, and I had the pleasure of visiting camp, seeing the Scouts and Scouters having a wonderful time first hand. Let’s carry this positive momentum into the fall.

It is more important than ever that this fall we give every youth the opportunity to join Scouting. Let’s ensure that every unit has a recruitment opportunity for new youth to join Scouting.

Thank you to the Camp Staff, the Montana Council staff and all the volunteers for a great summer. Let’s have a great fall.

Let’s GROW again in 2020!

Yours in Scouting,

Dirk Smith
Scout Executive


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