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SE Corner: Happy Thanksgiving

From my chair in Missoula, I can see through the window that the pace of the world is steadily increasing as the holidays approach.

It is always one of my favorite times of the year. Not so much because of food, gifts and merriment, but significantly because – in my work in Development – it is an opportunity to reflect on our successes and the volumes of work that is accomplished on behalf of our shared cause.

It is also an opportunity to say “thanks” – not that we don’t always feel thankful because we do. It is simply a great opportunity to remind everyone just how thankful we truly are.

It should come as no surprise to you that I believe, and I know, that the Scouting program is one of the most significant movements of our history as a Nation.

Scouting does so many things that simply cannot be replicated without.

It is also one of the most demanding personnel resource organizations in the world. It takes an army of volunteers to grease the gears of Scouting.  I am always impressed and humbled when I see someone volunteering for a few hours to help others this time of year.

That, however, is a mere candle to the inferno that is a Scout Volunteer. The hours, the miles, the preparation, the caring, the support and the excitement that surrounds our volunteers, donors and involved parents is beyond inspiring. You are amazing.

While many of you will never fully comprehend the business side of Scouting (fundraising, management, employees, administration, support, marketing, oversight) I can promise you this: They too deserve thanks – the team works very hard every day to keep up with that side of the house.

The old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child,” is perhaps no better suited than it is to Scouting.

All of us, working together makes Scouting work.  The proof is the in results of the kinds of youth we raise. An additional reason to give thanks.

As Thursday approaches, I hope the holiday finds you surrounded by family and friends and, despite all the craziness in the world around us, you also find a reason to be thankful.

I am thankful for all our Scouts, our Volunteers, our Donors and our Friends.  I wish all of you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Jory Dellinger
Interim Scout Executive


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