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SE Corner: Every Youth Counts

I can’t believe we are already through half of October. It’s all hands on deck as we keep the recruitment momentum going. Remember, every youth that is recruited receives the benefits of Scouting and we gain a family that believes in the program. Every youth counts!

I am pleased to pass along the great news that our popcorn online sales are up considerably over last year. Thank you, to everyone that is selling Scouting through popcorn.

When my son sold popcorn as a young Cub Scout, for the first time he learned how to set a lofty goal for himself and how to follow through to achieve it. He also learned salesmanship and leadership skills. These are only a couple of examples of why the popcorn sale is so important in our program.

As we continue to recruit new leaders, it is more important than ever to make sure our leaders are trained. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Montana Council volunteer Betsy Eubanks for providing leadership to our virtual training called Screen-Boosted Scouting. What a fantastic job!

Thank you, to everyone, for your support of the Montana Council. You are appreciated! And remember, every youth deserves a chance to join and have a quality Scouting program.


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