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SE Corner: Back To School

It’s the start of a new school year and for Montana Council, this time of year is key to our success and fulfillment of our mission:

“… to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their life-times, by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.”

We have a much easier time introducing Scouting’s values in the youth when they are part of our program.

That is why our recruitment of new members is so important.

Thanks to all that are helping with School Nights, Boy Talks, passing out flyers, and all other recruiting activities underway in the council.

Every eligible youth deserves the opportunity to join Scouting. thank you for helping this happen.

Also, thank you for those that are running the Popcorn sale in the units, districts, and council.

A successful sale is vital for the financial stability of the units and the council. I cannot thank you enough for your service.

Have a great Scouting year,

Don Bean
Scout Executive/CEO



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