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SE Corner: A New Year

My fellow Montana Council Scouters,

The beginning of a new calendar year is an excellent time to reflect on our many accomplishments while also setting goals for the coming year.  2017 was exceptional for the Montana Council! Thank you for your part in making this past year such a success.

Let me list a few amazing accomplishments:

  • Over $10 million in camp infrastructure improvements at Melita Island and K-M.
  • Membership growth (again)
  • Sent a troop and a crew to the National Jamboree
  • Huge popcorn sales with over 2.1 million sold
  • Two Wood Badge Courses conducted
  • Highest Youth Protection Training percentage in the Western Region (again)
  • Nearly 200 Eagle Scouts

All this was done with 25% of the staff being new. You all truly stepped up to make this a remarkable year.

As we set out to achieve great things in 2018, let’s remember that it is the individual that is important.

Each of the 8,000 youth that joins Scouting in Montana represents a son or daughter with different hopes and dreams of a wonderful future and caring adults who do their best to help these kids reach their potential.

The reason the Scouting program exists is to instill in each person the values of Scouting so that he/she can make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime.

This can only happen through the work of volunteers who deliver the promised program. Thank you for your work in giving as many families as possible a chance to join the great organization we call Scouting.

Some exciting things to come in 2018:

  • Radio adds is several major Montana cities.
  • New dining hall built at K-M
  • Council Camporee, June 2018
  • Girl dens added in selected Cub Packs
  • Sell out Melita Island
  • And much more.

Again, thank you for being part of a great team.  If there is anything you need from me please ask.

Yours in Scouting,

Don Bean
Scout Executive/CEO


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