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New Adult Application Flow

Beginning March 4, 2024

A new process will be implemented beginning Monday, March 4th for all adults applying to be a leader with the Boy Scouts of America. At that time, the adult application flow will change to require the completion of the CBC (results received) before the new Adult volunteer can assume a leadership role. This is a much-welcomed change as the process will allow for communication letting a person know that the application has been received and then will give clearance to participate as a leader.

The new flow process:

  • Once an adult application is processed (online or Add-Reg) the person is put in “pending.”  
  • The adult leader will get an email notice informing them their registration is being processed and they are not to assume any leadership role until the completion of the CBC. The unit key 3 will also get an email.   
  • If the CBC comes back as “red” then the normal process needs to be followed for the clearance of the person or the denial and refund.  
  • If the CBC comes back as “green” the system will finish registering the person and send an email to the person and unit key 3 that they can now be an active leader.  
  • Please keep in mind the CBC processing time and the impact that will have. For example, a new Adult application coming in on the last day of the month for a recharter will not be usable until the CBC has cleared to “green”, which will be in the following month.   

For questions please contact Pat Dannenberg or email


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