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Melita Island Service Projects

Although Camp Melita Island is not open for the 2021 Camping Season, there are several service projects available for units to complete. 

Melita Island will be available from June 1st to August 15th, and there will only be 30-35 people per week allowed on the Island. We will be offering 3-day, 5-day, and 7-day volunteer opportunities. 

Service Projects choices are:
  • Gateway
  • Trim and cut all grass
  • Remove dead trees
  • Rack and level all roads
  • Set up tents
  • Clean up down trees
  • Pick up sticks and rocks in west camp
  • Level ground in West camp
  • Plant and water grass in West camp
  • Water trees all over camp twice a day
  • Cut and split fire wood
  • Help cut lumber with saw mill *18 years and older*
  • Build picnic tables
  • Build benches
  • Build new gaga pit
  • Build a board walk around 3 trees near the lodge
  • Rack and level all roads
  • Maintain the outer trail around the island
  • Repair wooden sailing dock main harbor.
  • Repair or replace roof on quartermaster shed
  • Pull and spray all weeds
  • Install fire pits in campsites.
  • Meals: $10 Person per day
  • Boat Trips to/from Island: $20 per trip
  • Tour of Lake: Unit responsible for filling boat tank 
    *Boat Drivers will be provided*

If your unit is interested in completing a project on Melita Island or has additional questions, please contact Michelle Ferguson, or call (406) 761-6000. Please be sure to note what days you would like to visit Melita Island, and what Service Projects your unit would like to complete. 

Deadline to Register is May 15th, 2021


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