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Happy New Year

Dear Scouting Friends,

Another year passes and a new one begins. Our Scouting year actually started in September, so a new calendar year means we are already 33% into the current program year. “So what, who cares?” you might ask. That is a fair question. I suppose I could close now by saying “Keep Calm and Scout On!”

While that is not bad advice, I would like to suggest a bit more. We are now one-third through our Scouting year – hopefully, you are off to a strong start in your unit, with some great activities and outings, adding new Scouts and their families, leaders getting trained, Scouts raising funds to operate by selling popcorn or by another fund-raiser, and you are ready to jump into a great January schedule.

If your unit is firing on all cylinders, then “Keep Calm and Scout On!” may be all the advice you need. On the other hand, most units have some things that are going well and some areas where they would like to do better. I would invite every unit and its leaders to pause long enough this month to see if there is any aspect of your program that you would like to improve. Do a little brainstorming and dreaming. Once you have determined the top few key items, then create a vision of what you will do that is above and beyond anything your unit has ever done before.

This is exactly what we are doing at the Council-level. In mid-January we will gather and hold an officer’s retreat, led by our President Chuck Eubank, to review our successes and challenges of the past, especially last year. More importantly, though, we will focus on key issues and how to step up the service of the Council for 2016, and beyond. The conversation will be lively as we wrestle with some tough items, but I am confident that an action-oriented vision will emerge.

2015 was a great year for Scouting in Montana! We made progress on many fronts and wonderful things occurred in units throughout the state. That said, I am very excited about 2016, and the promise that it brings. Scouting continues to grow stronger in Montana, and you are making that possible. Your dedication and commitment make all the difference!

Together, let’s move Scouting forward this year – go Team 315!!

Yours in Scouting,

Gordon Rubard
Scout Executive/CEO
